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Players can register for the 2022-23 season by clicking on the following link:

Please note that new members will be asked to complete an additional paper copy for our records


The coaching staff will deal with any minor rules broken appropriately. A breach of the following, however, will be deemed serious:

  • Leaving of the sports/residential grounds without the organisers/coaches permission

  • Causing deliberate damage or defacing any piece of furniture or equipment

  • No female or male will be able to enter any areas that host the opposite sex.  (Any part of the person beyond the point of the threshold will be deemed inside)

  • Verbally abusing any participant, coach or any facility-centre-staff member.

  • Physically abusing any participant or any other person at or around the facility

  • Taking of any form of alcohol or any illegal substances

  • Breaking any curfew rulings made by staff

  • Breaking the rules set out by any facility being utilised

  • No club member/representative will privately message or meet any other club member/representative that is under the age of 16 without parental permission. This permission can be verbal and can be removed at any time. Any contact without permission outside of club events must include a parent/guardian or another club member aged over 18.

Should there be a breach of any of the above the following steps will be taken to resolve the situation:

  • Coaches/staff meeting to discuss incident

  • Parents contacted regarding their child’s behaviour and given opportunity to attend the meeting or have an independent representative attend

  • Coaches representatives to meet with player(s) and have independent representation or parent present in a neutral location

  • Coaches meet to action procedures

  • Participant informed of outcome of meeting

  • Parents informed by club officials of outcome

  • Organising of appropriate collection or drop off by club officials agreed by the parent or guardian.


Fair processing.

By submitting Personal Information on this form, you agree that Phoenix Hockey Club may process it in the manner described in the privacy policy which describes our current practices with regard to Personal Information which is hosted by CORE. The term ''Personal Information'' refers to information about you personally, which, from time to time, you will be asked to submit (i.e. name, date of birth, email address) in order to receive or use services. As a result of changes in the law and technology, our practices will change over time. When this happens, we will post the changes on our website as soon as is practicable and, therefore, we encourage you to check the site frequently. We will always deal with your Personal Information fairly and in accordance with your instructions.

Use of Personal Information
We will tell you the purposes for which we will process personal information. Such purposes include the following:

  1. Maintaining a membership database.

  2. Use of data to ensure protection and welfare of Under 18s

  3. Contacting you with information pertinent to your membership or application for membership and details of events and other matters which we think will be of interest to you.

  4. Marketing and market research.

  5. Internal use to help us improve our services and to help resolve any problems.

Any information you provide to us will only be used by us and possibly passed to our partners for the purpose of dealing with payments and using communications portals. It may also be disclosed to your organisation’s Governing Body. You should also be aware that your information may be disclosed where we are obliged or permitted by law to do so.

We will hold your Personal Information within our systems for as long as you remain a member of the sport. When you cease to be a member all personal data will be deleted within 12 months of the date of your resignation.

Your data will be managed by Phoenix Hockey Club who manage data for thousands of members in a secure hosting environment. Your data will be retained within the European Economic Area (EEA) other than where it is transferred to a third party for the purpose of competing internationally.


If any parent/guardian has concerns about an incident involving a child or young person that seems untoward or unusual they must report their concerns as soon as possible to the CPO at Phoenix Hockey Club. Concerns need to be recorded.

Be aware that there are different forms of abuse: emotional; physical; sexual; harassment/bullying and neglect.

It is not your responsibility to decide whether or not a child has been abused.  It is, however, everyone’s responsibility to report any concerns.

Remember the 4 Rs:

  • Recognise if you have a concern, notice a problem or receive a direct disclosure (admission)

  • Respond to reassure the individual, tell them what you will need to do

  • Refer the matter to the CPO of Scottish Hockey, the police or social services

  • Record who, what, where, when

When listening to a disclosure the following good practice should be followed:

  • React calmly so as not to frighten the young person

  • Show you are listening with positive body language and eye contact

  • Reassure and emphasise that it was right to tell someone

  • Take what the young person says seriously, recognising the difficulties in interpreting what a young person in distress says, especially if they have communication difficulties

  • If you need to clarify, keep questions to an absolute minimum to ensure a clear and accurate understanding of what has been said

  • Record what the young person has said and what you have observed

  • Do not make promises of confidentiality

  • Be honest and say you may need to tell someone if the issue is to be resolved

Codes of Conduct: FAQ
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