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Friday nights are back

Friday night hockey is coming back! Our club sessions will restart on the 25th August, 6pm at Irvine Royal Academy. You can register...

Summer Day Camps

We are delighted to say that we will be running two day camps over the summer! They will run 9am until 3pm on the 10th July and the 31st...

New kit!

We are delighted to announce that we have new club kit available at Surridge Sports. If you would like to purchase playing kit or leisure...

This week at Phoenix!

This week is the penultimate week before the summer break. Check out all our training sessions here

This week at Phoenix HC

We have another busy week at Phoenix HC. First of all we have our afterschool club at Dreghorn Primary on Monday, swiftly followed by our...

This week at Phoenix

We have a full schedule for this week. First up we have our Inspire session tonight at Greenwood Academy. This is followed by our club...

Inspire session cancelled for this week

Tonights KA Inspire sessions have been cancelled. They should be on as normal next week.

This week at Phoenix

We have a busy week ahead at the club. We have our Inspire sessions with KA Leisure at Greenwood on Monday, 5pm-6pm and 6pm-7pm. We also...

U10s Festival Fun

The u10s put on a great show at Auchenhowie today with some excellent hockey! They started brightly, winning 2 games vs Western and...

This weeks schedule

Another busy week this week. We have our usual training session at Greenwood on Monday and Irvine Royal on Friday. We also have u8s and...

Good display in Greenock

Some of our kids paired up with Greenock to take part in the u10s festival today! There was lot's of great play (and plenty of goals)...

Monday 19th September

Due to the Queens funeral, KA Leisure will close all facilities on Monday 19th September. As such, our Inspire sessions will not run that...

Register now for season 2022-23

It's that time of year again! Could all members/ parents make sure that everyone is registered for the season by clicking the link below...

Return to Irvine Royal

Tomorrow is our first session back at Irvine Royal Academy and we can't wait! I wonder if anyone can spot a slight difference in this...

Greenwood Inspire sessions starting on Monday.

Our KALeisure Inspire sessions are restarting tomorrow and are open to new and experienced players alike. The sessions times are: 5pm-6pm...

Last Session at Glebe

Tonights club session will be the last one at Glebe Primary. As of next week, we will be moving back to Irvine Royal Academy. Can't wait!

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